Why is Kashmir’s Apple Industry Facing a Rot?
The apple cart of Kashmir is facing an existential dilemma with nothing but its unrivalled quality acting as the only ray of hopeBy Tooba...
‘Unpaid, Undervalued’: Why Kashmiri Wheelmen Don’t Want New Fleet
At a time when their private counterparts are once again doing odd jobs to sustain their families in another lockdown in the valley, the...
Mastercard barred from adding new customers in India
Mumbai: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has barred MasterCard from acquiring new customers (debit, credit or prepaid) from July 22 for not complying...
Cruising the Business World from Home
KASHMIR is another name for challenges. It’s filled with duels of narratives and wars of survival. Yet, people sneak in life and livelihood amidst all...
Explained: How hackers stole and returned $600 mn in tokens from Poly Network
New Delhi: Hackers pulled off the biggest ever cryptocurrency heist on Tuesday, stealing more than $600 million in digital coins from token-swapping platform Poly...
The Story That Our Handicrafts Tell About Their Demise
By and large, the market(s) in Kashmir are producer(seller) centric or oriented than consumer or market oriented. This prosaic observation can be validated by...