New Delhi- Electronics production rose to Rs 6.4 lakh crore in value terms while exports from the sector reached an all-time-high of Rs 1.09 lakh crore in 2021-22, Minister of State for Electronics and IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar informed Parliament.
According to data shared by the minister in Lok Sabha, the electronics production in 2020-21 was over Rs 5.44 lakh crore and exports were Rs 81,822 crore based on data sourced from industry associations and Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics.
Chandrasekhar said that the Government of India’s goal is to broaden and deepen the country’s electronic manufacturing ecosystem.
“At this juncture, National Policy on Electronics 2019 (NPE 2019) envisions positioning India as a global hub for Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) by encouraging and driving capabilities in the country for developing core components, including chipsets, and creating an enabling environment for the industry to compete globally,” the minister said.
He said to create an eco-system for development of ESDM Sector in the entire country, a total of 333 companies have received direct benefit of various schemes and programmes under “Make in India” programme. (PTI)